I have had the unique privilege of working with a number of great leaders. A few were kind enough to share their leadership stories with me. Profiles in Leadership provides conversational interviews with key healthcare executives as they share their personal stories and leadership strategies experienced during the course of their successful careers.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
In this episode Frank LaFasto Ph.D., internationally recognized and bestselling author on Teamwork and Leadership and Distinguished Alumnus recipient from University of Denver, draws upon over 40 years of research and organization experience to share his perspectives on what matters most both personally and professionally. He explores empirical studies with over 6000 team members which led to key principles of effective leadership. He also shares his experience, through decades of corporate executive developmental assessments, on the critical importance of strong relationships to both personal effectiveness and professional performance.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
This episode features Mark Rosenbaum, Chief Executive Officer, Rose Tree Consulting and past Chief Customer Officer for CardinalHealth ($100B Health Services,) President, Integrated Provider Solutions, CardinalHealth. Mark shares his personal insights and leadership strategies as he serves on the board of multiple healthcare companies. He also discusses his recent experiences in developing and leading a premier integrated corporate sales organization for CardinalHealth and his career beginnings with American Hospital Supply ($4B Hospital Supply.)

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
This episode features Doug Cassidy, Founder Excel Marketing Partners, past SVP e-Business, CardinalHealth ($100B Health Services,) President, e-Commerce, Allegiance Healthcare ($4B Hospital Supply,) COO Alliant Food Service ($24B.) Doug shares his personal experience and leadership strategies throughout his successful healthcare career. He also discusses his strategies on employee development, team building and how he helped develop a world class marketing organization at American Hospital Supply.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
This episode features Ron Sliwinski, Senior Advisor to Venture Investors Group and past President and CEO of UW Hospitals and Clinics (Academic Medical Center, multi-hospital Integrated Health System.) Ron discusses his personal experiences within the healthcare start up sector and shares his leadership strategies as CEO of a multi-hospital, award winning academic medical center. Ron also shares his perspective on effective talent development and where he sees future opportunities in the healthcare marketplace.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Jim Fitzgerald, CEO and President of Flexan Corporation ($50M Med-Device), is featured in this episode. Jim shares his personal story and what led him to the healthcare industry. Jim also provides his personal perspectives on managing a growing medical device organization through the challenges of the Covid pandemic. He details his commitment to employee engagement and shares his beliefs on professional development, job patience and flexibility.

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
In this episode, Kieran Gallahue, Executive Chairman Signifier Medical Technologies, past CEO CareFusion ($4.5B Med-Tech), CEO ResMed ($3B Med-Device) shares his early career influences and his new focus as Board Director for multiple healthcare companies. Kieran also looks back on his work at CareFusion, his main corporate objectives, company challenges, managerial style, and the BD acquisition. He will also share his candid thoughts on future medical technology trends and opportunities.